
Project UrbanSimplify February Challenge: Clutter

Project UrbanSimplify: February Challege - Clutter

The Scenario

I returned to Canada from boarding school with all of my belongings packed in two suitcases conforming to airline baggage restrictions. There wasn’t all that much that fit into two 50lb bags, but they held everything important that I wanted to keep. Living on the move for the better part of my teenage years, most of the things I kept were of sentimental value. Once I moved into my own place in university, I was able to let loose and keep more material possessions. Over the years, my collecting compounded and Emily now sometimes refers to me, ever so endearingly, as a packrat.

The Solution

Ok, so I’m not going to be featured on the next hoarders or anything but I admit, that in addition to sentimental things, I like to keep things for the random-just-in-case scenarios. Off the top of my head, there are jackets that I haven’t worn in years, old cords and cables that haven’t yet outlived their usefulness, and the bane of wives everywhere: that oversized, holey t-shirt from highschool that I just won’t part with. It’s time for an intervention.

I need to get rid of stuff. Having too much of it is distracting, messy and takes up space, especially since much of it goes unused.

The Challenge

For the month of February, we’ll be participating in a game thought up by the dynamic duo Joshua Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus of The Minimalists.

Emily and I will be competing to get rid of (sold, donated or trashed) our excess stuff . Each of us will get rid of one thing on the first day of the month. On the second, we’ll pick two things; for the third, three items. So on, and so forth until day twenty eight where we both will need to remove twenty-eight things.

Apparently, all items for the day have to be out of the house by midnight. This is going to get tough quick.

The Scoring System

The scoring is simple; whoever goes on the longest wins. If we both make it to the 28th, we technically both win but since we’re competitive, we’re going to throw in a lightning round and get rid of as many things as we can. At that point, whoever quits first loses.

The Last Word

Good luck finding 406 things to remove from your home!

If you’d like to participate, leave us a comment below. We would also love to hear about how you’re dealing with your clutter on Twitter or Facebook. #UrbanSimplify

Think you can find that many things to get rid of?

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  • SarahN January 31, 2014 at 11:30 PM

    I’m sitting THIS one out! I’m a pretty constant declutterer. Today I packed up my puzzle I did last weekend, and the old set of scales (bought a new set last weekend too), and they are both in the ‘outbound’ box. I don’t set the midnight clock – I can take them to the thrift store when I have the time and inclination (or I will list them on freecycle). I would set your target at getting it all rehomed by midnight the last night of the month – otherwise trashing might be the most tempting, and that’s not ideal (people can use stuff you have, but might not be able to pick instantaneously).

    Things I find easy to find and cull periodically: pens that don’t work, underwear/socks that’s lost the stretch (or bras that’s straps always fall off the shoulder), plastic contrainers without their lid or matching bottom, glass jars (people who make jam etc always want these, so I don’t put them in the recycling bin). Then there’s things like old pillows/towels & sheets – best for animal shelters. Excess cosmetics/shampoos etc can go to shelters or a ‘free’ basket at work often does wonders (also good for tea you tried and hated, likewise biscuits, anything really!) GOOD LUCK!

    • Daniel February 2, 2014 at 9:04 PM

      That’s a great suggestion. Having taken a mental inventory of things I could get rid of, some of the items seem to be a waste if I just trashed them. That, on the other hand, it’s partially why I have so much stuff to begin with 🙂 I used to pick things up using freecycle back during our days in school. That could be a good way to unload some unneeded items and pay some of the kindness back. I’ll have to pitch the idea of modifying the midnight condition.

  • Heather @ Simply Save February 1, 2014 at 3:51 PM

    406 items is ambitious! I’m working on a massive decluttering project too, but getting rid of the items by the end of each day would be a challenge! I have a growing pile in my basement and each weekend run to places like Clothes Mentor and Half Price Books to sell what I can. The rest is for a garage sale this summer. Good luck!

    • Daniel February 2, 2014 at 9:11 PM

      After Sarah’s comment, I’m considering stretching the midnight rule but we don’t have a basement to stash a pile of goods for later. I’ll start small and then worry about the bigger things when I run out of socks and other miscellany. Thanks for the well wishes!

  • Laurie @thefrugalfarmer February 2, 2014 at 7:24 AM

    Wow, Daniel – I’m impressed! I’m sure we probably could find that many things – I’m just not sure we’ve got the willpower or the drive to get rid of them. 🙂

    • Daniel February 2, 2014 at 9:17 PM

      Ugh, I hear you! So far, I’ve gotten rid the three items required, including a sock with a hole and my broken kindle. It’s too soon to hang the mission accomplished banners. I may have to dig through pens and see if individual pieces of toilet paper count. I’ll keep you posted!